James Woodruff

James Woodruff
Core Faculty
Professor of Medicine
Dean of Students, Pritzker School of Medicine

James Woodruff, MD, is a general internist, specializing in preventative and ambulatory medicine. He focuses on providing patient-centered care and emphasizes the importance of a strong doctor-patient relationship. Under his leadership, clinicians and researchers work together to enhance the education of medical students, residents and fellows. Dr. Woodruff is the Associate Dean of Students, Pritzker School of Medicine. His academic interests include curriculum development for medical students and residents, especially in the ambulatory setting.

Dr. Woodruff has served as the principal investigator on studies that look at faculty and resident training skills. In one study, he examined the impact of iPads on internal medicine residency training. He has also studied the effect of faculty characteristics on the interview rating of internship candidates. Dr. Woodruff is highly respected by his peers and has helped to organize many regional conferences that bring together program directors in internal medicine.